How can I create and send offers from the commercial simulator?

How can I create and send offers from the commercial simulator?

In this article, we will explore how to use the sales simulation to create complete and personalized offers for our end customers. This process, although simple, is highly effective, allowing detailed and attractive proposals to be generated directly at the moment of interaction with the potential customer. By being on-site, sales agents can make the most of the available data, adapting offers in real time according to the needs and preferences of the buyer. This not only optimizes the sales process, but also increases the chances of successfully closing the deal in the same visit.

Info Where can I find this option? → Commercial Simulator Create Client
Notes Remember that this option will only be available if you have the following permissions enabled:   commercial simulator and if you have contracted the commercial simulator module

Once we have logged into the commercial simulator, we will see two options to start the process, create a client or search for an existing client or opportunity. We will choose "create client" to start the process and, in addition, an offer will be created for this client.

Steps to create an offer

1) Basic information and consumption

Basic information: We must fill in the name of the offer, choose the type of opportunity to which that offer will belong, choose the load curve and rate that will apply, then we enter the address for which we are making the offer. In the add rate section, we find a "change rate" button that allows us to choose a new rate and edit both the current and the new rate of the client, this in case we have that information or need to make adjustments. It should be noted that the modifications we make to the rates will affect the savings generated by the system and will be included in the self-consumption savings.

Consumption: In this section we must enter the client's consumption. Depending on the configuration made from the platform, at this point we will see some options or others (see article Commercial simulator - General configuration ). If we have configured it this way, we will be able to choose between annual or monthly consumption and then we will choose whether to enter the consumption in euros or in kWh.

2) Drawing of the roof

The next step will be to draw the roof. From the platform we can configure whether we want this step to appear in the flow or not and whether we allow the option to skip it . (see article Trading simulator - General settings ).

3) Installation information

Next, we must fill in the offer details, choose the type of electrical connection (single-phase or three-phase) and once chosen, we are given the option to select the type of structure (coplanar or inclined) and roof material. Next, we must select the inclination and orientation of the modules, adding if there is any type of obstacle on the roof by selecting the type of obstacle and the quantity we find.

4) Results page

In this step we find the results page, where we will have the possibility of offering our client a standard and a premium offer, the configuration of both (modules and price tables ) will be what we have done from the platform.
We found the following information:

Economic benefits: Here we will find information on the total savings that we will generate with this installation, broken down into savings from self-consumption, savings from surpluses and, if applicable, savings from tax benefits.
Installation information: We find the information on the power to be installed and the annual production of the installation we are simulating.

Module information: In this section we will see the optimal number of modules recommended by the simulator for this installation, taking into account the data we have entered in the previous steps. We find information on the modules that will be used along with the option to change them (See the Commercial Simulator - Products article for more details). Below we see more detailed information on the savings generated.

Batteries, extras, discounts and margins and taxes: Continuing towards the bottom of the screen we will see the batteries section where we can add or modify the batteries in our installation. Next we find the extras section where those extras that we have defined on the platform will appear and we can select those that we want to add to this offer, in the same way we can choose discounts or margins that we want to apply to this offer. Then we find the option to choose the percentage of taxes that we will offer, the salesperson must choose the tax that applies in each case.

Offers: We will see the offer options that have finally resulted from our simulation. We will always find the option with and without financing to be able to offer it to our end customer.

Final stage of creating the offer

Once we reach step 4, we find four different options to continue and finish creating our offer. We can choose to "save" in the cash payment option, select "save" in the financing payment option, or click on "credit check", which indicates that the client needs to be validated and approved by the financial company we work with. In addition, we have the option to click on "save" (button that appears at the bottom of the page) to keep the offer and continue working on it later. Depending on the option we choose, one sub-status or another will open, depending on the configuration made on the platform.

On the next page we will see we must fill in the basic information of the client (name, surname, email, telephone). Below we will find the extra information of the client, the fields that we will see in this section are those dynamic fields that we have added so that our sales representatives can gather the greatest amount of information possible from the client and even request documentation (for more information on dynamic fields see the article Commercial simulator - Dynamic fields and Dynamic fields configuration - Key aspects and types ). Once the required information has been filled in, we click on save and we will have created a client with their offer.

Sending offers from the commercial simulator

Once we have done the simulation and created an offer for our client, it is necessary, following a standard commercial flow, to be able to send that generated offer so that the future client can evaluate it and it can become a successful sale.
We can configure the sending of the offer automatically so that every time we generate a new offer within the same client, it is sent to them by email immediately.

For this to work, several configurations need to be made on the platform:

1) Create the label and tag the necessary report
It is necessary to create a label and apply it to the reports that you want to automatically send to the client at the end of the offer creation process using the commercial simulator.

2) Setting up actions from external sources
In the external source actions tab, within the commercial simulator section, a new action called 'Generate report' has been added for the buttons to end the offer with or without financing and the Credit check (in the commercial simulator).

To configure this action, you must select the label of the report you want to send, choose the corresponding email template and specify the email address from which the report will be sent to the client. It is important to have previously configured the label, report and email template in order to be able to select them in this step.

By completing this configuration, when offers are generated for a client in the commercial simulator, an email will be automatically sent to the client with the generated offer attached as a document.

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