Commercial simulator - General Settings

Commercial simulator - General Settings

In this article we will explain the first tab found within the configuration section of the commercial simulator "General Configuration", its functionalities and the configuration possibilities that we have from here. The commercial simulator must be configured from our Ezzing CRM platform.

Previous concepts:
  1. Type of opportunity
Where can I find this option? Settings  Commercial Simulator General Settings
Remember that this option will only be available if you have activated the permissions: commercial simulator and if you have contracted the commercial simulator module

1) General settings

Through the general configuration we can define some options that will modify the behavior of the commercial simulator in different sections. Once we have defined and saved our general configuration we will see these changes reflected directly in the simulator.

The options we can configure are:

1.1) Drawing the roof : By selecting this option we are enabling the function that allows us to draw the roof in step 2 when creating our offer. On the other hand, if we disable it, our salespeople will not have this step available in the process. We also have the option to enable or disable the button that allows us to skip the roof drawing step so that we can control whether we want this option to be available or not.

1.2) Opportunity type : This option shows us the available opportunity types and allows us to choose, from that list, the type of opportunity that will be defined by default in step 1, in order to speed up the process for the salesperson, avoiding them having to select from several options. On the other hand, we can also activate or deactivate different types of opportunity for the commercial simulator, so that your salespeople only have available the types of opportunity they should work with.

1.3) Default roof orientation : We will use this option to define the roof orientation that we want to be chosen by default, however, once the salesperson is creating the offer, he can modify it manually.

1.4) Type of consumption and unit : Through this option we can choose the way in which we want it to be available in the commercial simulator to enter the client's consumption. Currently it can be annual or monthly or you can choose both options so that the salesperson is the one who decides how to enter the consumption according to the information that the client provides. We can also choose in which units we want our salesperson to enter the consumption data, whether in kWh or in euros. From the platform we configure which unit we want to be displayed by default.

1.5) Access to the platform : We can enable or disable this option so that from the commercial simulator we have quick access to the CRM (platform)
so that in case our salespeople work with both tools, navigation between the two tools is more fluid. But in case you do not want salespeople to use the platform, all these quick access buttons can be removed, to clean up the interface and have a clearer user experience.

1.6) Opportunity configuration: Through this option we can, for each type of opportunity, configure the following:

- Enable this type of opportunity or not in the commercial simulator.
- The default offer selected can be standard or premium.
- We can configure a maximum and minimum amount of surface drawn on the map for each type of opportunity, if the roof drawing is activated on the map.
Important: If the configured limits are exceeded, a warning is displayed to the client. In addition, the maximum and minimum values are understood per building in the case of more than one building drawn.

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