Trading Simulator - Dynamic Fields

Trading Simulator - Dynamic Fields

In this article we will explain how to configure the dynamic fields for the commercial simulator and, once configured, as can be seen on the platform and more specifically within the opportunity, the data that we have filled in said fields.
Through this tab we can add dynamic customer or opportunity fields that we have previously created on the platform to our commercial simulator.

Previous concepts:
Where can I find this option?  Settings Commercial simulator Dynamic fields

Remember that this tab will only be visible if you have permissions activated:   commercial simulator and if you have contracted the commercial simulator module. Besides, in order to see the information filled out in each dynamic field, you must have the privileges activated for the type of opportunity, status and corresponding substates .

Configuration of dynamic fields in the commercial simulator

We can add different dynamic fields for each type of opportunity we have, to do this we must click on the " add dynamic field " button, we choose the type of opportunity, then we must choose whether it is a customer or opportunity dynamic field that we want to add, Depending on which option we choose, we will see below the dynamic fields that we have available to select, these will be the ones that are created as a client or opportunity dynamic field on the platform in the "dynamic fields" section.

View of dynamic fields from the simulator

The dynamic fields that we select in the commercial simulator will appear on the client's registration page, at the end of the entire process, to be filled out by the salesperson.
To later review this information that we have filled out, we must access the platform and enter the opportunity (if we have created dynamic opportunity fields) or the client (if we have created dynamic customer fields), and in the "Fields to fill out" section we will find the data that we have placed.

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  1. Commercial simulator

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