How can I create a new company?

How can I create a new company?

In this section we will find the process of creating the collaborating companies (installers, salespeople, etc.) with whom we work.

Where can I find this option? → Left side menu Partners

We will now look at each of the sections that we will find in detail:


Here we can find the collaborating companies that do have access to the platform and also assigned users. Within the companies, companies dependent on a parent company can be created.

We usually refer to these hierarchies in the same way that we talk about a family tree. So, the initial "parent" or level 1 company, the "daughter" or level 2 companies, the "granddaughter" or level 3 companies, and so on.

Partner companies are companies created by a "parent company" in order to manage its own customers. Each partner company can only see its own customers, and each higher level can see the customers of the companies created by it at lower levels, i.e. the parent company can see all the customers of the companies it has created. Also, we must keep in mind that the parent company can assign opportunities to both the child companies and the companies created by the latter.

Hierarchy of companies

Companies can be viewed in hierarchical order (levels), they can be edited and deleted, and we also have specific filters to facilitate the search. In this case, name, email, type of company and phone number.

In companies that have created “child” companies, a downward arrow will appear that will allow you to display and view the list of these.

You can search for companies within the entire list using the filters at the top. You can search by name, email, company type or phone number. This makes it easier to locate a specific company if you need one.

  • If, when searching for a company using filters, the result is a company that has lower levels, we will also be able to see its hierarchy.
  • If the match is at a lower level, the hierarchy will start from the level where the user is located. Upon opening the company, you will be able to see the levels until reaching the match.
  • Creating a company manually

    To create a company, go to the "company" tab and click on the "create company" button. Below, we will see each of the pages that will be part of the company creation process, as well as the step-by-step instructions on how to carry out this creation.

    Company information

    We will be asked to fill in the company information: name, address, email, city, CIF and enter the general configuration data for this company, such as the URL, currency, language or if we want the currency symbol to appear on the right or left. Once we have completed this information, we will click on Next.

    Platform Modules

    Once we move to the next screen, we must select which modules this company will have access to. This screen is called "Platform Modules". This will affect which tabs you can view or modify.

    In this section we will define three main points:
    1. Company Profile
    We select the type of profile that best suits the company we want to register. You can choose more than one. We must keep in mind that each of them will be assigned a package of the platform to view. Below, we will see the available types:

    We will normally work with 4 types of companies for the child companies. The modules corresponding to each of the companies are configured by default within the modules. Below, we will see these types of companies:
    1. Big client . This is the parent company and only it should have this profile associated due to the control it has over the types of opportunity and advanced settings.
    2. Commercial . These are commercial agencies and they are assigned commercial management modules for each opportunity.
    3. Installer . These are the installation companies and they are assigned specific modules for the technical management of each opportunity.
    4. EPC (Installer + Commercial) . Allows the management and creation of both installation and commercial companies (and their corresponding users).
    1. Packages
    They are preselected based on the profile of the company you have chosen. We can distinguish different types:

    As we select or deselect the different packages we will be able to see which modules they activate or deactivate. This allows us to grant each company completely detailed access based on their needs.
    1. List of modules
    Depending on the package we select, we will have a series of enabled modules. We can distinguish which ones are enabled and which ones are not by color, with the activated ones appearing in black and the deactivated ones in gray.

    Create users

    Once we have completed the previous steps, we will click on next and it will be time to create the corresponding users for this company. To do this, we must complete the data requested in the panel on the right (name, surname, email, team, role and, optionally, phone number) and click on save. We can do this as many times as users we want to create.
    If you create one by mistake or enter incorrect information, you can always modify or delete it using the pencil and trash can symbols that appear, respectively, for each user.

    When assigning a team and a role, we can choose whether we want to select those previously created on the platform or create new ones. We will do this by clicking on "+ Add team" and "+ Add role".

    Teams or roles that are not assigned to any user will not be created.
    Each user’s email must be unique on the Platform. Otherwise, an error will occur when saving the user.

    Once a user has been created, they will receive an email to confirm their email and access the platform.
    When we have finished creating all the users that our company will have, we will click on finish. (For more information on creating users, see the article How can I create and manage users from the platform? )

    Importer of companies

    We also have the option of importing companies with their respective users in bulk. We will do this using an Excel file. We can download it from the same "Companies" tab at the top right, "Company Importer", modify it and upload it again in the box provided for this purpose.

    Next, we will see the different Excel tabs:
    1. Companies. It is important to remember that we must complete all the requested fields and not leave any cells blank. If any cell is left blank, an error will appear when trying to load the Excel file.

    1. Company type. We must indicate the types of company we want to create. We must bear in mind that this will affect the visibility and capacity for action that it will have later.

    1. Roles. We must indicate the different data of each user we want to create (company ID, user name, email, phone number and prefix, city, language, team name and role).

    Dynamic Field Importer

    The dynamic fields on the Company tab are used to obtain information specific to companies that work using the platform.
    We also have the option of completing the dynamic fields of previously created companies in bulk. We will do this using an Excel file. We can download it from the same Company tab at the top right → company importer → dynamic fields, modify it and upload it again in the box enabled for this purpose.

    In this Excel file, all the companies we have and all the dynamic fields will appear in an updated manner so that we can complete them and upload them in bulk.
    Important: When a company is deleted, all users created within it will be automatically removed; however, since this is not a direct deletion, they will remain in the database, and their opportunities will stay assigned. This change will need to be made manually. Note that if you delete a user instead of the company, a pop-up will appear asking for another user to reassign the opportunities that were assigned to the user you want to delete.


    Here we can find those public institutions in localities where we have to carry out an installation.

    We will be able to see the available companies in list format and we will have specific filters to facilitate the search. In this case, name and city. In addition, we can choose to display the companies by date of creation, name or city in ascending or descending order.

    Create institution

    To create an institution, click on the "create institution" button. A screen will then open where you can fill in the requested information (name, email, phone number, address, city and coordinates) and finally click on save.

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