How do I set up the Customer Portal?
The Customer Portal is the platform that allows interaction with the customer and from which they can carry out all their procedures and we can obtain all their information about the photovoltaic installation process that they are carrying out.
In order to configure the Client Portal and make it available to our clients, we must have this Ezzing module contracted. If we have doubts about whether we have it or want to contract it, we only need to contact our contact person at Ezzing.
Everything that the client can do from the Client Portal will be configured by us from the Platform. Each action performed by the client in the tool will allow the sales flow of that opportunity to advance.
Where can I find this option? → Settings → Customer Portal.
In this section, we will configure the information that we want to appear in the Customer Portal, in a generic way. All the information that will depend on the sales flow will be configured from the same flow, as we can see in the article "Flow Configuration - Visibility" in Customer Portal" .
On this platform screen, we can initially configure the help module . That is, the contact information in case the client needs assistance from the company.
We will add the email address to contact our company's support department, as well as the contact phone number. These fields are mandatory.
We can omit this information from the help module. To do so, we just have to have the "Show information" button disabled.
In this section, we can also activate several boxes:
- Show enquiry submission: allows customers to confirm that they have submitted an enquiry through the customer portal when they make an enquiry.
- Show incident submission: allows that when customers send an incident or problem through the Customer Portal, they are confirmed that it was sent.
- Show help files: This will allow us to upload documentation to the Client Portal that may be helpful to clients in resolving queries or incidents. These documents, which can be attached in the “Drag documents here” space, can be accompanied by explanatory text.
Where will those help files be visible in the Customer Portal?
We can upload a FAQ document or help manuals to the Customer Portal.
In the end of process module , we will configure the information available when the client has completed their photovoltaic sales process.
We can activate two texts:
- Text for successful completion of opportunity : This text will be displayed when the customer has successfully completed the sales process, that is, when their sales flow has been completed.
- Unsuccessful Opportunity Completion Text – This text would be seen when the pipeline for this opportunity has not been successful, and the opportunity is in a discarded state.
This last text (unsuccessful) can be linked to the activation of the option "Show flow reactivation". If we activate this box, the client will be able to restart their flow once the process has been completed "unsuccessfully". In the same way , in the flow you will have to go to the sub-state in question and enable the "finalization-failed" view (see the article "Flow Configuration - Visibility in Client Portal" )
. If the user presses the button, he returns to the sub-state just before it is configured.
If we configure the "reactivate the flow" option, we must configure the external source action (interaction in the Ezzing environment) that we will find in the Client Portal section: Reset opportunity process. If we do not assign a sub-status for this action, the "reactivate flow" button in the Client Portal will not work.
In this module, we can also activate and enter the data related to the monitoring application for both Android and iOS. We can enter a link to the different download "Stores" as well as a QR code for direct download.
If we have contracted the monitoring application, we can activate the download of it through the Customer Portal
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