How can I manage my files and folders from the platform?

How can I manage my files and folders from the platform?

In this article, we will explain in detail how to manage files and folders within the platform through the "Files" tab.
This functionality is key to maintaining an organized work environment, ensuring that all relevant information and documentation related to our clients is always accessible and well structured.
Efficient file management not only prevents the loss of important data, but also optimizes workflow, facilitating collaboration between teams and improving productivity. We will explore how to create, organize, search, and share files within the platform, thus ensuring a smoother and more secure user experience.

Where can I find this option? Left side menu Files
Remember that in order to perform actions in this tab you must have the following permissions activated: folders and files

When we enter through files we will find the "my files" tab which contains folders that are created by default on the platform, they are identified because they have this symbol . We will find the "export" and "imports" folder:

  1. The "Exports" folder stores the documents that we export from the different sections of the platform. We will find a folder within the main folder for each of the different sections (leads, clients, opportunities, incidents, products, users). See the article What are exports? How can I create them? for more information.
  1. The "Imports" folder will contain information about documents that we have imported into the platform.
We will also see the "Shared Files" tab where all the files we share with companies at other levels (installers, salespeople) are stored.
We can perform different actions that we find at the top of this view and that are enabled by selecting a folder: Move, send email, duplicate.

All the files that the client shares through the client portal can be found in the "attachments" tab within the opportunity view. (See article Opportunities - Attachments)

How can I create new folders?

In this same tab we can also create new folders, which can be configured as public or private according to our needs. These folders will be stored in the "My files" section for easy access and organization.

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  1. Opportunities - Attachments

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