What are the terms and conditions?

What are the terms and conditions?

The management of privacy terms and conditions allows us to configure, from the platform, the important points that our clients have to take into account and accept, from the Customer Portal, so that we can carry out the entire process of their photovoltaic installation.

Where to find it? → Left side menu → Settings → Conditions management.

For users who are considered necessary, permissions must be enabled so that they can create new conditions and associate them with sub-conditions. The permission is called: terms_conditions (create new conditions: save-term-condition ; delete conditions: delete-term-conditions )

These terms and conditions are the information that governs the contractual relationship between the provider of a service and the user .

The Terms and Conditions are nothing more than a contract in which the owner clarifies the conditions of use of its service.

How do I manage terms and conditions from the platform?

For users who have the necessary permissions, a new module called " Condition Management" appears in "Settings". To create a new condition, click on "Create condition". The editor will appear on the right, where you can configure the condition. In this section, we will determine the name of the condition as well as a description of it.

We can also mark the condition as "mandatory" (the client will not be able to proceed without accepting it) as well as indicate that the condition appears accepted by default (and the client will be able to modify it, if they so wish).
Once you have finished setting up, you need to click the 'Save' button to complete the creation.

How do I set up terms and conditions in the flow?

Once we have created the terms and conditions, it is necessary to decide at which points in the flow the client will be able to see the conditions (and accept them, if necessary) (see the article "Flow Configuration - Visibility in Client Portal" ).

Where to find it? Left side menu "Opportunity Types/Customer Journey"  

First, we need to decide in which substates we want to introduce each condition. To introduce the condition in the substate we decide, we must click on it and go to the "Customer Portal" section since that is where the conditions for the substates will appear. customers.

In the " Conditions " tab , selecting " Add condition" will display the previously created conditions. Here, we will choose which conditions we want to display to customers in this substatus.

It is important to note that a condition can only be used once, so conditions that are not yet in use will always appear in the list .

After selecting the condition, you need to click " Edit Status " to finish editing.

How does the customer view the conditions from the Customer Portal?

The customer will see the terms and conditions within the Customer Portal in the sub-status that we have configured.

In the Client Portal, when the client reaches the sub-state in which we have configured a condition, a modal box will open, in which the client will see the description of the condition, the checkbox and whether it is mandatory or not (indicated by a red asterisk).

If the client does not accept a mandatory condition, he will not be able to advance in his flow.

Can I check a client's accepted terms?

Where to find it? Left side menu "Opportunity Types/Customer Journey" .

The accepted conditions can be consulted from the platform in the Clients module , by clicking on the client to be consulted. Once inside the client, we click on the "Conditions" section to consult the accepted conditions. In this section, we can also see for what opportunity each condition was accepted as well as the date of acceptance.

In addition, we can consult the history of acceptance of conditions. This can be interesting if we have several conditions to accept and we want to know in which order they were accepted by the client.

We will do this query through the "view acceptance history" button.

If a condition is deleted, it will also be removed from the history of any clients who had accepted it.

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