What are dynamic fields and what are they used for?

What are dynamic fields and what are they used for?

In this article, we will see an introduction to dynamic fields and discover their use in the platform and their importance when managing customer information.

Info Where can I find this option? → Left side menu Settings Dynamic fields  

What are dynamic fields?

Dynamic fields in Ezzing are configurable elements that allow you to collect and manage specific useful information that you require. These fields are designed to be flexible and adapt to the changing needs of the company and its customers.

What are they for?

Dynamic fields allow us to obtain additional information to that already configured in the platform and we will find them available in various sections of the platform, including dynamic fields for Leads, Clients, Opportunities, Institutions, Partners, Companies, Products and Incidents.
Dynamic fields related to opportunities must be linked to a specific part of the defined pipeline.
Likewise, we can make these fields visible, to be completed, in other Ezzing tools such as: Commercial Simulator, Customer Portal or Installer Application.  

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