
How can I create and manage users from the platform?

In this article we will address the different procedures that we can do with internal users. We will explain how to create users, how to manage them once we have created them and how to unlock them.

Where can I find this option? → Top right buttom Profile Users
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled: Users

User creation

In order for a person in the company to have access to the CRM platform, we must create a user for them.
To create a new user we must click on "Create user". We will need to fill in the basic information of the user we are going to create and click on "Save". The fields to fill out are: name, surname, contact email, country, language and we must assign a role and a team to that user. Also, we will have the option of being able to copy the permissions and privileges of an existing user and in this way facilitate the creation of the user.

At the moment we create the user, you will receive an email with the credentials and a link to confirm your account and access the platform. When you access the platform for the first time, you will receive a notice and you will have to create your password.

The password will expire after 120 days and will have to be updated

User Management

Once the user has been created, on the right side of it, we will find the different actions that will allow us to manage the user:

Edit user: Allows us to change the user's basic information.
Edit permissions: Allows us to edit the permissions of that specific user (in the "permissions" section you can find more information).
Confirm user: Allows us to confirm the user that we have created in order to use it.
Delete user: Allows us to delete existing users. If said user has assigned clients, we will receive a notice to assign these clients to another user registered on the platform.

Unblock users

We may encounter cases in which a user is blocked.
One of the cases would be due to having entered a wrong password more than 5 times and another case when after 90 days without access, the user's account is blocked.

In order to unblock a user, we must first choose the account we want to unblock, either by writing its name in the search engine, which we see at the top, or by searching for it within the list of users we have. Once located, we click on the arrow that we see on the right side of the name which will display a list of options (explained previously) where we will see "Unblock user".

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