What are platform permissions and how do they work?

What are platform permissions and how do they work?

In this section, we will look at how to set individual permissions that allow each person to perform specific actions within the platform.

Permissions are used to control the actions of different users of the platform, based on their responsibilities and knowledge, such as editing customer information, modifying opportunity statuses, or sending an email.

Where can I find this option? Settings ā†’ Permission Management

Previous concepts ā†’ Team and role management.

Permissions can be granted to users in two ways:

Granting permissions by roles

First we select the role, then we activate the permissions we want to give to that role, when we have granted the permissions we click on the "Save" button.

Granting permissions by users

This option is best if you want, for example, to give different permissions to people with the same role.
Permissions are set through roles assigned to users, each user has permissions inherited from the role assigned to them.
There is the ability to customize permissions at an individual level, allowing for the addition of additional permissions, but this feature does not cover removing permissions that are already granted due to your role.
First we select the user, then we activate the permissions we want to give to that user and once granted, we click on "Save".

Permissions inherited by role cannot be modified on individual users

Permission grouping

Unlike privileges, permissions allow you to enable at least one specific action. In fact, they are divided into different groups that grow each time a new functionality of the platform or other tools (Quoting tool, Installer app...) is added.

You can find a short description of each permission in the ā€œiā€ icon above each permission.

  1. The article on teams and roles will be linked here when it is published

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