What are opportunity types and what are they used for?

What are opportunity types and what are they used for?

In this article we will see an introduction to the types of opportunities and discover how to create them on the platform.

Where can I find this option? → Settings → Opportunity Types and Processes
Remember that this option will only be available if you have activated the permissions: Opportunity types and processes

What are opportunity types?

Opportunity types determine the sales process that the corresponding opportunities will go through . Each opportunity type reflects a sales flow ( or "customer journey").
When creating an opportunity type you will also need to define:
- The tabs available in the opportunity view for that specific opportunity type.
- Customer portal actions available .
- Installer app actions available.
You can configure several types of opportunity, corresponding to different sales flows. For example, residential and commercial.
Opportunity types, and in particular the series of statuses and sub-statuses that compose them, are fundamental, since they define the stages of the sales process that we will follow with our opportunities on the platform.

Opportunity types allow us to digitize our sales flow and integrate it into the platform.

It's important to have your sales process clear and defined before you start setting up opportunity types.

Creating an opportunity type step by step

Creating or modifying opportunity types involves a complete definition of our sales pipeline, a thorough analysis of all impacts, and a subsequent update of permissions, privileges, actions from external sources, report and email templates, and pricing tables.

To create an opportunity type, we will follow these steps:
  1. In the settings section, we access the "Opportunity type and processes" tab.
  2. We click on "Create opportunity type".
  3. We name the type of opportunity (in coherence with the corresponding sales flow).
  4. We select the tabs that will be available, in the opportunity view, for this type of opportunity.
  5. We select the actions from the client portal that will be available for this type of opportunity (if applicable and based on our sales flow)
  6. We select the installer app actions that will be available for this type of opportunity. (if applicable and based on our sales flow)
  7. We save the type of opportunity.

We recommend that you select all the options related to the "Opportunity Tabs" and "Customer Portal and Installer App Actions" since in a later step, during the configuration of statuses and sub-statuses , we will be able to select what will be available or not, in the detail of the sub-statuses.
We also have the option to "Delete opportunity type" or "Duplicate opportunity type" . The latter will facilitate and speed up the creation of an opportunity type based on one already created.

Once the new opportunity type has been created, we move on to defining its statuses and substatuses. See Setting up statuses and substatuses

Related Articles

  1. Setting states and substates

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