Web simulator: Features and advantages

Web simulator: Features and advantages

What is the web simulator?

The Ezzing web simulator is an online tool designed to model and analyze the performance of solar PV systems.

It allows all users to evaluate how different configurations and environmental conditions will affect the energy production of a photovoltaic installation . Based on the first simulation that the client makes through the simulator, it is possible to generate a report and send it automatically to the client, from the CRM platform.

In less than 1 minute , with the Ezzing web simulator, you can get: better qualified leads, reduce your sales cycle , improve your registration/offer ratio by up to 80% and automate your process by just asking simple questions such as:

  • Monthly consumption
  • Installation type
  • Consumption habits
  • Address (with option to draw the roof)


The web simulator will provide your clients with a first idea about the installation they need (optimal size, production, savings, etc.).
In addition, you will have a tool with an easy-to-use interface , with personalized results and interconnected with our CRM platform .

Its function is twofold:
  1. Provide your client with an initial estimate for a solar installation customized for them.
  2. Collect essential information from customers and register it on the Ezzing platform so that this customer's Customer journey can begin .


  1. Increase the conversion rate of leads who visit your website by up to 30%.
  2. Reduce lead qualification time by up to 50%. Leads registered through the simulator will provide more information on the platform, beyond a name and address, since they will be able to select more options such as the type of roof, the desired payment method, the type of product or even if they want to add some extra service such as a heat pump or an electric vehicle charger.
  3. Increase the lead-to-sale conversion ratio by up to 40% by increasing the quality of your potential clients.
  4. The cost of the online simulator is less than 0.3% of the sales volume generated.
  5. The web simulator for acquiring and qualifying leads increases the cost of acquiring a digital marketing lead by less than 3%.
  6. The simulator will be integrated into your website with your brand image so that the user feels that they are always on your website.
  7. You can create as many different campaigns as you want and redirect your leads to this landing page, so they can easily access and register, always identifying the origin of the lead.
  8. It allows investors and owners to make informed decisions about the viability and savings potential of photovoltaic projects .

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