Release V3.42

Release V3.42

Welcome to v3.42!

Below is a summary of the main features that will be incorporated. For more details, please consult the attached documentation , where you will find information on these developments.


Change in the create user tab

The tab for creating new clients on the platform has been modified

Creating new variables
Two new variables have been created on the platform: offer_creation_date and tir_fifteen_years.

Trading simulator

Dependent fields

The functionality of having dependent fields has been added, just like in the client portal and platform, now in the commercial simulator. This means that, when the main field is enabled, the dynamic field that depends on it will automatically be displayed.

Quoting tool

Ope x concepts

The possibility of including “OPEX” concepts in an installation has been added. These concepts refer to all temporary expenses that the installation may have, for example, the cost of insurance, maintenance or other services .

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