Rate Importer

Rate Importer

In order to be able to make offers based on national rates and depending on the address of the installation, the day and the time, it is important that we configure the electricity rates within the platform.

Where can I find this option? → Left sidebar Rates.

These rates cover the costs associated with each country and specific time periods. It is essential to keep in mind that electricity rates will have a direct impact on the formulation of our offers, since the proposed prices will be based on the structure established by these rates .  

Electricity rates are defined according to the country in which we operate and will have a direct impact on all the offers we generate.

How to fill in the importer's details?

The user who is going to carry out the process must have the permissions related to the rates activated!
We will find these permissions in the rates group: save-tariffs.

For the platform to consider the specified rates , it is necessary to import them following the example template found in the "Rates" section. To download it, we access the left sidebar and click on the "Rates" section. (video)
Once inside, we click on the "Download Template" button found at the top right. Next, we open the Excel document and fill in the requested data:
  • Dates/Times: In this column, we will have to indicate the date of each day of the year along with each hour of the day, so, for each day, there will be 24 boxes corresponding to the 24 hours of the day.
  • "Holiday": It is necessary to specify the day of the week. Whether work ( Monday to Friday ) LV or holiday FES (whether weekend or holiday). This information must be in accordance with the country's tariff marking.  
  • Rate names : Names related to “ Coelba ”, “ Cosern ”, etc. are examples. In that place, we can indicate the name that we consider appropriate for the rate or rates to be imported. Each column will be considered a different rate, so there will be as many columns as there are rates I want to import.  
  • Digits: The digit corresponding to the period of each time slot must be entered. These periods are associated with the existing data within the profitability to calculate both consumption and possible savings. The periods will depend on the information specific to each country.

Once we have filled out the template, we will import it into the platform through the “Import Rates ” button (always within the "Rates" section).

The rate import process can take a long time. As soon as it is available, the user who is carrying out the import will be notified via email.

Change electrical periods on the platform.

Once the rates have been created on the platform, we can edit the configured rates by clicking on the three points on the right, “edit rate” . In this window, we will see the periods configured for the specific rate, being able to edit the economic values based on how they are governed in our country.

For example, based on the parameters that govern the Spanish market, we could edit the values, by period, related to:
  1. Electricity cost (€/kWh)
  2. Contracted power (kW)
  3. Cost per power (€/kW/Year)
These values can also be modified manually in the rates tab within the Quoting Tool.

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