Optimize your workflow with our automated solution

Optimize your workflow with our automated solution

Transform the way you manage your critical processes. With our innovative technology , essential actions are executed automatically at key moments, whether when opening or closing substates, or at specific intervals after their activation. Ensure that each step is completed on time , increasing productivity and eliminating manual errors.

Do you want to know how we can take your efficiency to the next level?

Let's get to it!


Go to Settings -> Opportunity Types and Processes -> Select the desired opportunity type -> Open the status -> select a substatus -> Actions -> Add action.

In our CRM's sub-status flow, you can schedule specific actions to occur automatically when a sub-status is opened or closed, or even at predefined intervals from when it is opened (2 days, 10 days, etc.).

In addition, the possibility of scheduling periodic actions from the opening of the sub-state will soon be available! These actions can include opening or closing other sub-states, sending emails, generating reports, sending documents for signature, creating activities, or automatically assigning an installer or salesperson.


Imagine that you have opened a substatus of " PENDING DOCUMENTATION". You can configure our CRM so that, if the required document has not been uploaded after two days, a reminder email is automatically sent to the client.

Other possible actions include automatically assigning an installer when moving to a " SCHEDULED INSTALLATION " sub-state or sending a document for signature once a certain phase of the process has been completed.

With the new recurring functionality coming soon, you will also be able to schedule reminders or recurring actions, ensuring constant monitoring without manual intervention .

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