Opportunities - Summary

Opportunities - Summary

In this article we will explain the "Summary" tab. When you click on an opportunity already created on the platform, you will find several tabs that organize the information in a clear and accessible way. One of these is the “Summary” tab which provides a quick and concise overview of the selected opportunity. It's the ideal starting point to get a quick understanding of the status and key details of the opportunity without having to navigate through other sections.

The “Summary” tab centralizes key information about an opportunity in one place. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the elements it contains and how they can help you in your sales or customer management process.

Below, we explain in detail what information you can find and how to use this tab effectively.

Where can I find this option? → Left side menu Opportunities Opportunity
Remember that this tab will only be visible if you have preconfigured the state and sub-state in which the opportunity is located and the opportunities group permissions are activated → see-summary-opportunity-tab

We must click on the name of the opportunity we want and we will access a view with several tabs, the first one we find is "Summary". By clicking on it, from left to right we see the following information:

1) Information: Here all the basic information of the opportunity is collected, name, telephone number, email, type of opportunity, channel, sub channel, campaign.

2) Additional information: Here we will see all those dynamic fields that we have marked as "basic information" with the information that we have filled in them.

3) More information: Here we will see the information regarding the assignment of said opportunity. To which installer or salesperson it is assigned, and also to which person and internal team, if we have not assigned it, these fields will remain empty.

Additionally, if we click on the "more information" button, a complete list of assignments will appear and from there we can manually assign the internal team we want. We will see the name of our company at the top, then the internal team that we have chosen followed by a list of users from that team that we have available to assign to that opportunity. We can then assign the installation and commercial company if applicable.

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