Opportunities - Reports

Opportunities - Reports

In this article we will explore in depth the functionalities of the "reports" tab. This tab allows you to generate detailed and personalized reports directly from the platform, ready to be sent to the end client, these reports can improve transparency, strengthen business relationships and provide a solid basis for shared strategic decision making.

Where can I find this option? Left side menu Opportunities Opportunity
Remember that this tab will only be visible if you have it preconfigured in the substate in which the opportunity is located and if you have the opportunities group permissions activated → see-reports-opportunity-tab

In the "Reports" tab view we find, from left to right, the report templates that we have created on the platform, organized by modification date and indicating whether the document is a contract or not. Next, in the center of the screen, we find a preview of the template we have selected. Finally, on the right side, we can generate the report using the chosen template and selecting the offer that we want to print. We find two options: download the report or send it by email to the client. If we choose to download the report, we click on "Print" and a PDF of the document will be generated. With the option to send the report by email, we will be redirected to the email creation view

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