Remember that in order to have this tab available you must have contracted the module: Full CRM
Detailed view of an opportunity
When entering an opportunity, we are presented with the following view. In this article, we will focus on explaining the top part of the screen, while the lower tabs will be covered in separate articles.
Note: In the URL of this view, we will see the opportunity number corresponding to the opportunity we have open at this moment.
At the top left, we see the name of the opportunity along with the status it is in and below this, the sub-status is shown. At the bottom right we can find four buttons which are:
- Change status: Shows a tab with the complete flow of statuses that are configured in the opportunity type. It allows you to finalize statuses, open and reopen previously completed statuses (being able to act or not will depend on having privileges)
- Open states: Shows us the sub-states that this opportunity has open at this time.
- History: We see a timeline that shows us all the sub-statuses that this opportunity has gone through, whether they have been opened or closed, the date on which said change was made and the user who made it.
- Change status dates: Allows us to change the start, end or estimated dates for the sub-statuses that this opportunity has had open.
On the right side of the screen we find the "Notes" section. To use this section we must click on the button that says "Edit". By doing so, this option will be enabled and we will be able to place relevant information about the opportunity so that other team members can take it into account.
In the upper right corner of the screen, we find three lines that, when clicked, display a list of available options to carry out at our discretion:
- Edit opportunity: Allows us to edit the opportunity information. A list of all the dynamic fields associated with the type of opportunity in which this opportunity is located will appear.
- Send email: Through this option we can send an email to the email address that has this opportunity registered.
- Log in as a customer: This option allows us to navigate from the view that the customer would have once logged into the customer portal.
- Delete opportunity: Allows us to permanently delete this opportunity.
- Duplicate opportunity: Allows us to create another opportunity from this one.
Main view of the opportunities tab
By clicking on the left side menu, in the "Opportunities" section, we find a list of all the opportunities created on the platform, classified by opportunity type. At the top of this view, we have a search engine that allows us to directly access a specific opportunity using its ID, name, opportunity name, email or phone number.
To the right of the search box, there is the "Create Opportunity" button, whose functionality we explain in detail in this
article . Next, we see the "Export" button, which we use to generate the necessary reports, and whose use we also describe in another article
In addition to the options mentioned above, in this view we have filters, a drop-down menu that shows us various options through which we can easily find specific opportunities. We have the following options for filtering:
- States: We can choose to show us the opportunities of all the states we have created or a specific state along with the sub-states that are within that state or we can choose a state and then a single sub-state.
- Channels: Through this option we can filter our opportunities through the channels to which they belong.
- Users: We can filter our opportunities by users or by teams. In addition, choosing the entire team selects all users belonging to this team.
- Advanced filters: Through this filter we can find opportunities by searching in more detail using the following available options: address, city, province, start date, end date, commercial installer, type of client (residential or commercial, for example). We also have the option of viewing unassigned opportunities and opportunities that are in a closed status.
- Column Selection: This option allows us to activate or remove the columns that are available in the opportunities view.
Related Articles
- What is an opportunity and how to create one on our platform?