Opportunities - Engineering

Opportunities - Engineering

In the Engineering tab, found in the client's Opportunity, all the information of the offer that the client has signed is presented. The Engineering tab will be available in the substates indicated during the configuration of the states and substates within the Opportunity Type.

Where can I find this option? Settings Opportunities Opportunity
Remember that this tab will only be visible if you have it pre-configured in the substate in which the opportunity is located and the permissions of the opportunities group are activated → see-engineering-opportunity-tab

In this tab the installation data is saved once it is installed.

Within this section, there are three essential sections: Installation Information, Materials List and Installer Information. Each section provides crucial details to manage and execute the installation efficiently, ensuring that all technical and logistical aspects are clearly documented and accessible to the teams involved.

Installation information

In this section, we see information related to the installation, which includes:

  • Facility address
  • Number of panels to install
  • Installation power
  • Used pricing table
  • Final price without VAT
  • VAT
  • Final price with VAT

  • Material's list

    We will find the list of materials that will be used for the installation. This information is collected in the BOM (Bill Of Materials) of the Quoting Tool.

    Installer information

    This section indicates which installer is assigned to the project, along with the scheduled date for installation. In addition, the installer's contact information is provided, facilitating direct communication for any necessary questions or coordination. This information is crucial to ensure that all parties involved are aware of the details of the project and can collaborate effectively to ensure a successful and smooth installation.

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