Importer and exporter of products
From the platform, we will be able to upload all the products with which we work in the photovoltaic installations, so that they are reflected in the price tables and in the offers that we generate. We have two ways to do it: Manually from the Platform itself and through the "Import" functionality.
Where can I find this option? → Left Sidebar → Products → Import.
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled: Products
Once inside the Products section, we will click on the “Import” button located at the top right. A tab will open that allows you to upload a document or “Download template”. In this case, we will download the template in Excel format and, once downloaded, we open it to start loading the necessary information.
In the document, we will see that there are as many sheets as product categories we have previously created.
We will have to create the product categories from the Platform, as indicated in the article "How to create and modify products?" , so that they appear in the import document. From the import Excel template, it will not be possible to add new categories, nor edit their name, so that they are visible on the Platform.
To edit the document, you will simply have to enter the data requested on each sheet of the document. This data may be different for each product category.
It is not mandatory to complete all fields. But we must keep in mind that, if a field does not have any information, that field will be empty or with a value of "0".
We must leave the “ID” field on each sheet empty because the system will assign an identification number to each product created.
The columns Mandatory are : Name, Description, Manufacturer and Unit Cost or Cost per power. If we have configured dynamic fields for some type of product, said field will also appear in the Excel document to be completed, although this will not be mandatory.
"Unit Cost" and "Cost Per Power": only one of the two options can be completed per product.
It is important to keep in mind that the information entered in this document in the “ margin ” and “VAT ” part will prevail over the values that can be configured in the price tables associated with the corresponding products.
If we configure a specific margin for a product, when that product is used within a pricing table, the system will maintain the product's margin , rather than whatever margin the pricing table may have applied.
Once the document is completed, we return to the platform, to the products section and go to “Importer”. On this occasion, we click on “Drag documents here” and look for the document that we just saved with all the configured products and click on “Upload”.
At this moment, the products will begin to load, with the different categories and all the information in the document. The duration of this process will depend on the number of products to be loaded onto the platform.
Once the process is complete, an email will be sent to the user who uploaded the document. This email will inform you of the end of the process and will also compile any possible errors that may have arisen when uploading the information.
It is important to keep in mind that we can carry out this process as many times as we want, not only to create new products but to update our previously configured products . In this case, we recommend using the export template (explained below) as the import template. When modifying the information of a product with ID, the system will understand that it represents an update of the product already uploaded, so it will delete the previous data to be replaced by the new ones.
From the platform, we can export our products. This action will generate an Excel file with the data of the currently configured products, following the categories that have been created.
Where can I find this option? → Left Sidebar → Products → Export.
Once in this section, a window will open in which it will ask us for the email to which we want to send the information.
Once the export process is complete, the user will receive an email with a link to download the document, valid for 12 hours after receipt.
Related Posts:
- How to create and modify products?
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