How to create and modify products?

How to create and modify products?

From the platform, we will be able to upload all the products with which we work in the photovoltaic installations, so that they are reflected in the price tables and in the offers that we generate. We have two ways to do it: Manually from the Platform itself and through the " Import" functionality.

Where can I find this option? Left sidebar Products Add product.
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled: Products

In the event that we want to modify a product, we will have to access the same "Products" menu from the left sidebar. We look for the product that interests us and click on the three points that we find to the right of the product. There, we select the "Edit product" option and once it opens, we can modify the information we need.

Once all the modifications have been made, we click on "Save Product" so as not to lose these changes.

We have required fields such as the name, description, category, manufacturer and the cost of the product.

Although some product categories will already exist predefined, we can also create them at the moment, by clicking on “Add” and writing the name of the category, associating it with products of the “Equipment” type (if they are physical products such as inverters, batteries, KITS, etc. ) or “Services” type (if they are non-physical products such as labor, maintenance, etc. ).  

We will observe that, in some of the categories that are preconfigured, the system will ask us for more additional information about the product that will have to be filled out.  
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled: Categories

Another required field is the manufacturer. To add manufacturers to our products, we click on “Add”, we write their name and we already have it available to select from the drop-down menu.
We can enter non-mandatory information such as the supplier reference, the distributor reference, the more technical information about the product or even upload a photograph of it .  

Finally, in the area on the right, we proceed to configure the price of the product.  

First of all, we can choose whether the price of this product will be based on the unit (simple cost) or on the power. Depending on the option chosen, the price will be indicated in € or €/ Wp .  
A custom margin can then be applied to the product. This margin will prevail over the one that may have been configured in the price table in which this product is found.  

If we configure a specific margin for a product, when that product is used within a pricing table, the system will maintain the product's margin, rather than whatever margin the pricing table may have applied.

And, the same will happen with VAT. We can configure a custom tax for the product in this section or leave it blank, and in that case, it will take the information from the pricing table. 

Once we have all the information correctly configured, we click on “Save product”.  

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