How do I send an email from the platform?

How do I send an email from the platform?

From the platform, we can send emails to our clients either manually, which we discuss in this article, or automatically by linking them to specific points in the flow or Customer Journey. This requires creating email templates in advance.

Where can I find this option? → Settings Email creation
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled : Emails Send emails

  1. First of all, we must enter various data:

    Account that sends the email: in this drop-down list the accounts linked to the SMTP credentials that we have previously created will appear.
  2. Recipient: we enter the email of the person(s) who should receive the email.
  3. Copy: in this field we can enter people to whom we want the email to reach but who are not the main recipients.
  4. Hidden copy: in this field we can enter secondary emails that will receive the email and will remain hidden from the rest of the recipients.
  5. Email title: is the subject of the email.
  6. Attach documents : In "Drag documents here" we can attach a document to the email we want to send.

On the right side of the screen, we have the email templates that we have already created from the "Email Templates" section. We can use any of these templates as the basis of our email and modify everything we want from the body section of the email.

Next to the email templates menu, we have the option to attach files to our emails. It must be clarified that the attached document in this case is a fixed document, it is not a report that will be generated with variables and data specific to the opportunity/client.  
Just below the section to attach documents, we see the option to attach company documents. This will allow us to send documents saved on the platform. We just have to press the “Company” button and choose the document we want to send.  

Whether using a configured template or creating an email from scratch, we will find many aspects that will help us design and define the content of our email through a series of buttons that we find below, next to the body of the email.
From here, we can give structure and design to the email. We can add columns, buttons, dividing lines, headers, images, a menu with different styles, as well as text. In addition, we can also use Artificial Intelligence to generate and/or adapt text and images according to the needs we propose.  

We can modify its structure from the left side, where we find the content, blocks, body and images buttons. We can move all the elements as we wish, to give it the desired design.

Below left, we have a computer and mobile view available to ensure that the content is according to our needs on both screens. We can also preview the content with the eye-shaped button.

Related Posts:
  1. Configure SMTP credentials.

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