General platform settings

General platform settings

One of the first configurations that we must make on the platform is the general information about our company.

Where can I find this option? → Left Sidebar Settings General Settings.
Remember that this option will only be available if you have permissions enabled: Company information.

In this section, we will find 3 tabs:

General data

In this section, we will fill in the tax data of our company. To proceed, we must click on "Edit" (top right) and then we will be enabled to edit all the fields:
  1. Logos: in these fields we can define the logos of our company that we want to be visible in the upper area of the platform as well as in the Dashboard (initial screen of the platform). The ideal dimensions are 720px x 1600px.
  2. Company tax data: it is important that we configure data such as the company name, CIF, telephone number and address.
  3. Additional company data: we can define more technical company data such as the time zone in which it is located, the main language, the URL of the company's official site, as well as a possible URL for the electronic sales site. We will see that we can add links to our Power BI, TeamViewer or Google Analytics. These fields are NOT required. However, in this section, it is very important to configure the Google API Key that the system must use. If this information is empty or incorrect, we will not be able to use tools such as drawing roofs in the web simulator, creating a client (or an opportunity) from the platform, etc.

Let's keep in mind that the Google API Key can be our own or from Ezzing. This information will be defined by contract.

General configuration

In this tab we will define default information that will be displayed about our company. To modify any of the data, we must click on "Edit" (top right) and then we will be enabled to edit the fields:
  1. Default campaign: in this section, we will define which channel, subchannel and customer entry campaign will be the default when a customer enters our system through the web simulator.
  2. Company colors: here we will define the two main colors of our platform.
  3. Contact emails: in this section we are going to define which emails are for internal contact. We will be able to define in which cases we can contact each email address.
  4. Privacy policy: this is the point at which we must enter the information corresponding to the privacy policy and legal information of our company. This information will be available to the client from the Client Portal.  
  5. Additional information: in this section, we are going to define other data to be taken into account by the system such as: what sign we want to separate the decimals as well as the thousands, the currency with which we want to work and where the symbol of the same in reference to the numbers and if we want to use the abbreviation of the currency.


In this section we can configure a message visible to all users of the platform when they log in to it.

Remember that this option will only be available if you have the permission enabled: Banner

First of all, you will have to activate the option "Activate the banner when the user logs in". Next, the platform allows us to add a title to the banner and, by clicking on "add banner" an editor similar to that of "Create emails" will open with which we can design our banner with the message completely customized according to the message. that we want to transfer to other users of the Platform.

This banner message will also be displayed on the "Profile" icon that appears in the upper right part of the Platform view to be consulted at any time by users.

We must not forget to click on "Save" whenever we make any changes

Related Posts:
  1. How do you configure an email on the platform?

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