1) Status information
Public name : We define the name that this substate will have for the end customer, in the Customer Portal. Description : We add, optionally, a brief description that will help the client understand what is happening and what is expected of them at this stage of the process.
2) Panel to display
We choose one of the preconfigured views for the Customer Portal. These views make interaction with the customer easier. If no interaction is needed, it can be left unviewed so in this case, the client does not need to take any action, but is informed about the status of their project. The client will see which substate their project is in (with the public name that we define), and which substates have already been carried out.Below is a brief description of the purpose of each view:
- Documentation views: These views are used to allow the client to upload relevant information and/or documentation. There are several of these views, to be able to cover different stages in which we ask the client for information. The specific information will be completed using the dynamic fields that we activate (See next section on dynamic fields) .
- i nitial-documentation : This view allows the client to upload the necessary documentation to be able to continue with the process (Usually ID, Electric bill, etc.)
- offer-documentation : This view allows the client to upload the relevant documentation for the preparation of their offer.
- financing-documentation : This view allows the client to upload the relevant documentation for their financing.
- contracts-documentation : This view allows the client to upload the relevant documentation for the preparation of their contract.
- installation-documentation : This view allows the client to upload the relevant documentation for their installation.
- drawing : This view allows the customer to draw their own roof through the Customer Portal.
- offer : This view allows you to share the offers corresponding to your project with the client, and let them accept the one that suits them best. When accepting an offer from the client portal, using the "Accept" button, the opportunity will change its Sub-State, and will go to the sub-state defined in Settings → Actions from external sources → Client Portal → "Accept-Budget".
- installer-visit . This view informs the client of the details of the installer assigned to their project.
- contract Signing: This view allows the client to access their contracts, and upload them once signed (if we have contracted the "Digital Signature" service, this view would not be necessary)
- Completion Views: These views serve to maintain a point of contact with the customer at the end of the process.
- finalization-success: This view informs the client that their project is finalized. It includes a text, which we define in Settings → Customer Portal → "End of process module"
- finalization-failed : This view informs the client that their project is closed without being finalized, and if we configure it like this, it leaves the client the possibility of reactivating their project. A text appears in it, which we define in Settings → Customer Portal → "End of process module" . There you can also activate the button that the client can use to reactivate their project. Specifically, the opportunity will be moved to the substate defined in Settings → Actions from external sources → Customer Portal → "Show flow reactivation"
3) Dynamic fields of opportunity
For the documentation views, we have to integrate thedynamic fields that will be used to fill in said information. To add a dynamic field to the view, click on "Select opportunity field", and select the field to add. Once added, we can define this field to be:-"Not mandatory" or "required". In the case that it is "required", the client will not be able to move to the next substate without having completed the information for this field.- "Read-only" or not. If it is Read-only, the field will only show information to the client, without the possibility of being edited from the client portal. For example, a dynamic field type "File" through which we want to share a document in a specific substate with the client but we only want them to be able to download it and not be able to edit the field.We can make the same dynamic field appear in multiple views of the Customer Portal, without necessarily having the same functions. For example, the same dynamic field, such as the customer ID, can be "Required" in the initial-documentation stage, "Not required" in offer-documentation , and "Read-Only" in contracts-documentation.