Flow Configuration - Trade Simulator Visibility

Flow Configuration - Trade Simulator Visibility

In this article we will see how to configure the elements that will be visible in the commercial simulator in each substate of our sales flows.

Where can I find this option? → Settings Types of opportunity and processes
Remember that this option will only be available if you have enabled the permissions : Opportunity statuses → Modify opportunity statuses

Previous concepts

The sales simulator is a tool that allows us to register clients and generate offers through an intuitive and comprehensive interface, suitable for physical sales channels.
In the commercial simulator, you can also find existing opportunities and modify them.
Existing opportunities are displayed with basic information about them. Among them is the name of the current sub-state for this opportunity. This name is not the name of the sub-state in the platform, but a name specific to the trading simulator.

The commercial simulator requires a complete configuration apart from what is described in this article, in Settings → Trading Simulator

Customer Portal Visibility by Sub-State - Step by Step

To define the name of the substate visible in the business simulator, we will configure its visibility, substate by substate.
To do this, we will follow the steps below.
  1. We access the “Settings” section in the left sidebar and enter “Opportunity Types and Processes”.
  2. We select a type of opportunity from those already created, and enter one of the states to access one of the substates.
  3. We will see that a menu is enabled on the right in which a tab appears that says “Trading Simulator” and inside, “Status info”.
  4. In this section we will enter the name that we want to be visible to users in the commercial simulator, for this sub-state. We can also include a brief description so that the user knows what this sub-state consists of.
  5. Once configured to our liking, click on “Edit status” at the top right to save the changes.

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