

kWp : The Kilowatt Peak (kWp) is the unit that measures the maximum power of the generator.

The Kilowatt Hour (kWh) is the unit of electrical energy, and is equivalent to the energy developed by one kW of power during one hour.

Irradiation is a magnitude that measures the energy that comes from the Sun per unit of surface area.

Orientation and Tilt: The direction and angle at which solar panels are installed to maximize sunlight collection.

Type load curve : refers to a standard or representative pattern of electricity consumption for a certain type of user or installation. For example, homes, industries, businesses, and other types of users may have different typical load curves due to their unique needs and usage patterns. By knowing the type of load (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.), you can have a general idea of the consumption pattern.

Energy balance : Energy balance refers to the relationship between the amount of energy entering a system and the amount of energy leaving or used within that system.

TE FV Price : Photovoltaic electricity rate. It is a specific rate or price established for electrical energy generated through photovoltaic systems (photovoltaic solar energy).

Discriminated consumption data : Refers to detailed and disaggregated information on the use of electrical energy, classified according to different criteria. In this context, "discriminated" means that the data is presented in a differentiated or segmented manner to provide a more specific and detailed view of energy consumption. This data usually includes information on how electricity is used in a specific period of time, considering different categories or variables.

Orientation gain : refers to the quantitative benefit obtained by optimizing the direction in which the solar panels are installed with respect to the incident solar radiation. This optimization aims to maximize the exposure of the panels to sunlight during the day and, therefore, improve the conversion efficiency of solar energy into electricity. Orientation gain is calculated considering the tilt and angular orientation of the solar panels. Tilt refers to the angle of inclination of the panel with respect to the horizontal plane, while orientation refers to the angle at which the panel is oriented relative to geographic north.

Optimum installation : It is applied to the arrangement, orientation and inclination of the solar panels to maximize the capture of solar radiation and, therefore, optimize the production of electrical energy.

Performance Ratio : Performance Ratio, often abbreviated as PR, is a metric used to evaluate the efficiency and performance of a solar panel system. This indicator provides a measure of how effectively a photovoltaic system converts solar radiation into usable electricity. A Performance Ratio close to 1 indicates efficient performance, since it means that actual production is close to potential production. A PR less than 1 suggests losses or inefficiencies in the system, such as shading losses, orientation problems, dirt on the panels, or technical problems.

Self-consumption Percentage : The self-consumption percentage in a photovoltaic system refers to the proportion of the energy generated by the solar panels that is consumed directly at the location where the system is located. In other words, it is the fraction of the electricity produced by the photovoltaic system that is used internally in the installation instead of being discharged into the electrical grid.

Total Electricity Cost : Total electricity cost is the total cost associated with generating electricity from a solar photovoltaic system. This cost covers not only the initial investment in the installation of the system, which includes the purchase of solar panels, inverters, mounting structures, and other components, but also the operating costs, maintenance and eventual component replacement costs over time. throughout the useful life of the system.

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