Setting states and substates

Setting states and substates

In this article we will see how to configure the statuses and sub-statuses of an opportunity type.

Where can I find this option? Settings Opportunity Types and Processes
Remember that this option will only be available if you have enabled the permissions : Opportunity statuses Modify opportunity statuses

Previous concepts

  1. What are opportunity types and what are they used for?

What are states and substates?

Statuses and sub-statuses indicate the stage of the sales process in which our opportunities are located. They are configurable in terms of names, order, automatic actions and visible information.

States correspond to general stages of the sales process (or "customer journey"), while sub-states represent more precise stages within those states. You can link automatic actions to sub-states and define the information visible to users, customers and installers for an opportunity located in each sub-state.

Opportunity types determine the specific sales process that opportunities will follow. Each opportunity type is made up of a series of statuses and sub-statuses, allowing for different sales flows to be configured, such as residential and commercial. These opportunity types are essential to digitize and integrate our sales flow within the platform.

Creating states and substates step by step

It is important to have a clear and well-defined sales process before starting to configure statuses and sub-statuses. Creating or modifying opportunity types impacts automatic actions and visible information, and may require subsequent updates to permissions, privileges, actions from external sources, as well as report and email templates.

Create States

To create a state, we will follow the steps below.
  1. From Settings → Opportunity Types and Processes, once we have an existing opportunity type, we click on "Add Status".
  2. We name our state
  3. Icon : We chose an illustrative icon for our status.
  4. Color : We choose a color for our state.
  5. We wrote a short description of our status, to give more clarity to the platform user.

Create substates

To create a new substate, we will follow the steps below:
  1. From Settings Opportunity Types and Processes, open a status and click "Create Substatus."
  2. We named our substate.
  3. We define the tabs that will be visible for this substate, in the Opportunities module. Below is a brief description of the purpose of each tab.
    1. Summary : In this tab we will find the basic information of the opportunity: basic customer data, information corresponding to the dynamic opportunity fields configured as "basic", and information on the assignment of the opportunity to salesperson, installer and internal team.
    2. Attachments : In this tab we will find all the documents linked to this opportunity, such as offers and contracts.
    3. Offers : From this tab we can create, view and manage all commercial proposals linked to the opportunity.
    4. Reports : From this tab we can generate documents about the opportunity, based on the templates configured in the platform.
    5. Engineering : In this tab we will find all the relevant information for the installer.
    6. Activities : In this tab we can record and view the history of all activities linked to the opportunity (automatic actions, calls to the client, etc.).
    7. Incidents : From this tab we can see and manage the incidents linked to the opportunity.
    8. Fields to fill in : From this tab we can fill in information about the opportunity in the dynamic fields configured for this purpose, and see the information already filled in for these fields, previously and/or from other sources, such as the client portal.
    9. Simulation : In this tab we will find a summary of the simulation initially carried out when creating the opportunity (either from a simulator or from the same platform).
  4. Icon : We chose an illustrative icon for our substate.
  5. Color : We choose a color for our substate.
  6. We wrote a short description of our substate, to give more clarity to the platform user.
  7. Settings : Here you configure 2 things:
    1. Optional: Select a responsibility linked to the sub-status, i.e. an action that a team will have to perform. Responsibilities must be created in advance in Settings Responsibility Management. Responsibilities are linked to teams in Settings Teams. It is not necessary to link responsibility to the sub-status from the beginning. This can be edited again later.
    2. Mandatory: We define an estimated time for the substate.
  8. Opening conditions : Conditions can be defined for opening the substate. For example, a particular substate cannot be opened until another substate before it is closed.
  9. Closing conditions : Conditions can be defined for the closing of the substate. For example, a particular substate cannot be closed until another substate is closed.
These conditions only apply when a change is made manually. If there are automations configured in the workflow (open/close status, etc.), they will not work.

Setting up substates

Once the new substate has been created, we will proceed to configure the following points for this substate:

- Automatic actions : These are actions that will be automatically generated when opening or closing the sub-status, or after a certain time after its opening, according to the configuration. These actions can be opening or closing another sub-status, assigning the opportunity to a salesperson or installer, sending an email and/or a report to an interested party (client, installer...) or ordering a document to be digitally signed.
- Client Portal Visibility : Here we will configure what will happen in the client portal when opportunities pass through the sub-state. We will define a "public" name visible to the client, as well as the panel to be displayed in the client portal for said sub-state, and the dynamic pivot fields visible and editable in the client portal, in said sub-state.
- Commercial simulator visibility : Here we will configure the public name to be displayed in the commercial simulator for this substate.
- Installer app : Here we will configure the panel to be displayed in the installer app for that substate.

Configure the order of states and substates

Once the statuses and sub-statuses are created, we can change their order. For example, this order of statuses and sub-statuses will be the one visible in the "change opportunity status" section, which appears in the "Opportunities" module. The order of the statuses and sub-statuses usually reflects the chronological order of the stages of the sales process . However, on the platform, the order of the statuses and sub-statuses does not impact the automatic actions. So those must be configured independently.

To change the order of statuses or sub-statuses, you can simply slide them from one position to another on the " Opportunity Types and Processes" page.

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